Sponsorship & Exhibitor Packages

Hybrid | In-Person | Virtual | Affinity gatherings | Church | à la carte | Make an offer


Have questions about the exhibitor options or Conference set up?
Check out the Sponsorship FAq page!

packages containing booklet ads CLose on October 31st.

You can purchase a specific sponsorship by clicking the button below!



Interested in being a sponsor and/or exhibitor for both the In-Person and Virtual Conference (including options to exhibit in-person and virtually)? These packages are for you!

All Hybrid options include 1 Virtual Registration and 1 In-Person Registration with purchase. Hybrid exhibitors will receive 1 6-foot skirted table, 2 chairs, WiFi, and electricity access Thursday through Saturday of the Conference weekend.

This year we will be using Mighty Networks as our virtual event platform! Additional Conference Registrations can be purchased separately here.

Inclusions Hybrid Exhibitor ($550) Small Hybrid Sponsorship ($1,350) Medium Hybrid Sponsorship ($1,700) Large Hybrid Sponsorship ($2,500) Presenting Hybrid Sponsorship ($2,950)
Discount 12% 17% 20% 20% 25%
1 Virtual Registration
1 Virtual Exhibitor Spot
1 In-Person Registration
1 In-Person Exhibitor Table
Sponsorship Logo in Banner on Conference Platform
Logo on Conference Homepage
Inclusion in "Our Sponsors" Slide During Pre-General Session Slideshow
"Our Sponsors" Social Media Post on Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter During the Conference
Half-Page Ad in Conference Booklet

Hybrid Exhibitor | $550

This package is valued at $628 - you save 12%!

  • 1 Virtual Registration with Purchase

  • 1 Virtual Exhibitor Spot

  • 1 In-Person Registration with Purchase

  • In-Person Exhibitor Table (1 Table, 2 Chairs, 1 Tablecloth, WiFi, and Electricity Access Thursday Through Saturday of the Conference Weekend)

Small Hybrid Sponsorship | $1350

This package is valued at $1,628 - you save 17%!

  • 1 Virtual Registration with Purchase

  • 1 Virtual Exhibitor Spot

  • 1 In-Person Registration with Purchase

  • In-Person Exhibitor Table (1 Table, 2 Chairs, 1 Tablecloth, WiFi, and Electricity Access Thursday Through Saturday of the Conference Weekend)

  • Sponsorship Logo in Banner on Conference Platform

  • Logo on Conference Website

Medium Hybrid Sponsorship | $1,700

This sponsorship package is valued at $2,128 - you save 20%!

  • 1 Virtual Registration with Purchase

  • 1 Virtual Exhibitor Spot

  • 1 In-Person Registration with Purchase

  • In-Person Exhibitor Table (1 Table, 2 Chairs, 1 Tablecloth, WiFi, and Electricity Access Thursday Through Saturday of the Conference Weekend)

  • Sponsorship Logo in Banner on Conference Platform

  • Logo on Conference Website

  • Inclusion in “Our Sponsors” Slide During Pre-Show for General Sessions

Large Hybrid Sponsorship | $2,500

This sponsorship package is valued at $3,128 - you save 20%!

  • 1 Virtual Registration with Purchase

  • 1 Virtual Exhibitor Spot

  • 1 In-Person Registration with Purchase

  • In-Person Exhibitor Table (1 Table, 2 Chairs, 1 Tablecloth, WiFi, and Electricity Access Thursday Through Saturday of the Conference Weekend)

  • Sponsorship Logo in Banner on Conference Platform

  • Logo on Conference Website (qcfconf.org)

  • Inclusion in “Our Sponsors” Slide During Pre-Show for General Sessions

  • 1 “Our Sponsors” Social Media Post During the Conference Weekend

Presenting Hybrid Sponsorship | $2,950

This sponsorship package is valued at $3,928 - you save 25%!

  • 1 Virtual Registration with Purchase

  • 1 Virtual Exhibitor Spot

  • 1 In-Person Registration with Purchase

  • In-Person Exhibitor Table (1 Table, 2 Chairs, 1 Tablecloth, WiFi, and Electricity Access Thursday Through Saturday of the Conference Weekend)

  • Sponsorship Logo in Banner on Conference Platform

  • Logo on Conference Website (qcfconf.org)

  • Inclusion in “Our Sponsors” Slide During Pre-Show for General Sessions

  • 1 “Our Sponsors” Social Media Post During the Conference Weekend

  • 1 Half-Page Ad in the Conference Booklet



Interested in being a sponsor and/or exhibitor for our In-Person Conference experience? These packages are for you!

All in-person options include 1 In-Person Registration with purchase. In-person exhibitors will receive 1 6-foot skirted table, 2 chairs, WiFi, and electricity access Thursday through Saturday of the Conference weekend. Additional Conference Registrations can be purchased separately here.

Inclusions In-Person Exhibitor ($350) Small In-Person Sponsorship ($650) Medium In-Person Sponsorship ($950) Large In-Person Sponsorship ($1,580) Presenting In-Person Sponsorship ($2,380)
Discount 25% 15% 19% 20% 20%
1 In-Person Registration
1 In-Person Exhibitor Table
Half-Page Ad in Conference Booklet
Inclusion in "Our Sponsors" Slide During Pre-General Session Slideshow
Sponsorship Logo on Conference Platform
"Our Sponsors" Social Media Post on Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter During the Conference

In-Person Exhibitor | $350

This package is valued at $468 - you save over 25%!

  • 1 In-Person Registration with Purchase

  • In-Person Exhibitor Table (1 - 6-foot Skirted Table, 2 Chairs, WiFi, and Electricity Access Thursday Through Saturday of the Conference Weekend)

Small In-Person Sponsorship | $650

This package is valued at $769 - you save 15%!

  • 1 In-Person Registration with Purchase

  • Inclusion in “Our Sponsors” Slide During Pre-General Session Slideshow

Medium In-Person Sponsorship | $950

This package is valued at $1,168 - you save 19%!

  • 1 In-Person Registration with Purchase

  • In-Person Exhibitor Table (1 - 6-foot Skirted Table, 2 Chairs, WiFi, and Electricity Access Thursday Through Saturday of the Conference Weekend)

  • Inclusion in “Our Sponsors” Slide During Pre-General Session Slideshow

  • Sponsorship Logo in Banner on Conference Platform

Large In-Person Sponsorship | $1,580

This package is valued at $1,968 - you save 20%!

  • 1 In-Person Registration with Purchase

  • In-Person Exhibitor Table (1 - 6-foot Skirted Table, 2 Chairs, WiFi, and Electricity Access Thursday Through Saturday of the Conference Weekend)

  • Half-Page Booklet Ad

  • Inclusion in “Our Sponsors” Slide During Pre-General Session Slideshow

  • Sponsorship Logo in Banner on Conference Platform

Presenting In-Person Sponsorship | $2,380

This package is valued at $2,968 - you save 20%!

  • 1 In-Person Registration with Purchase

  • In-Person Exhibitor Table (1 - 6-foot Skirted Table, 2 Chairs, WiFi, and Electricity Access Thursday Through Saturday of the Conference Weekend)

  • Half-Page Booklet Ad

  • Inclusion in “Our Sponsors” Slide During Pre-General Session Slideshow

  • Sponsorship Logo in Banner on Conference Platform

  • “Our Sponsors” Social Media Post on Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter During the Conference Weekend



Interested in being a sponsor and/or exhibitor for our Virtual Conference experience? These packages are for you! Click each package title in the grid below to purchase.

All virtual options include 1 Virtual Registration with purchase. This year we will be using Mighty Networks as our virtual event platform! Additional Conference Registrations can be purchased separately here.

Inclusions Virtual Exhibitor ($160) Small Virtual Sponsorship ($360) Medium Virtual Sponsorship ($750) Large Virtual Sponsorship ($1,350) Presenting Virtual Sponsorship ($2,120)
Discount 13% 19% 21%
1 Virtual Registration
1 Virtual Exhibitor Spot
Sponsorship Logo in Banner on Conference Platform
Inclusion in "Our Sponsors" Slide During Pre-General Session Slideshow
Logo on Conference Homepage
"Our Sponsors" Social Media Post on Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter During the Conference

Virtual Exhibitor | $160

  • 1 Virtual Registration with Purchase

  • 1 Virtual Exhibitor Spot

Small Virtual Sponsorship | $360

  • 1 Virtual Registration with Purchase

  • 1 Virtual Exhibitor Spot

  • Sponsorship Logo in Banner on Conference Platform

Medium Virtual Sponsorship | $750

This package is valued at $860, meaning you save 13%!

  • 1 Virtual Registration with Purchase

  • 1 Virtual Exhibitor Spot

  • Sponsorship Logo in Banner on Conference Platform

  • Logo on Conference Homepage

Large Virtual Sponsorship | $1,350

This package is valued at $1,660, meaning you save 19%!

  • 1 Virtual Registration with Purchase

  • 1 Virtual Exhibitor Spot

  • Sponsorship Logo in Banner on Conference Platform

  • Logo on Conference Homepage

  • Inclusion in “Our Sponsors” Slide During Pre-General Session Slideshow

Presenting Virtual Sponsorship | $2,120

This package is valued at $2,660, meaning you save 21%!

  • 1 Virtual Registration with Purchase

  • 1 Virtual Exhibitor Spot

  • Sponsorship Logo in Banner on Conference Platform

  • Logo on Conference Homepage

  • Inclusion in “Our Sponsors” Slide During Pre-General Session Slideshow

  • “Our Sponsors” Social Media Post on Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter During the Conference Weekend


Affinity Gatherings

In years past, Q Christian Fellowship has charged for participant attendance at Conference Affinity Gatherings in order to provide compensation to gathering leaders. This year, we aim to increase access by offering Affinity Gathering Sponsorships for purchase. 

The total cost of a gathering is $1,130. This cost includes:

  • 1 In-Person Registration per Affinity Leader

  • 1 Conference T-Shirt per Affinity Leader

  • Lodging Assistance

Affinity Gatherings available for sponsorship include:

Asexual/Aromantic (Ace/Aro)+
Black, Indigenous, People of Color
Current & Prospective Seminary Students
LGBTQ+ College Students

Parents of LGBTQ+ People
Polyamorous & Non-Monogamous Folks
Reclaiming Worship
Side B
Trans & Gender-Expansive Identities
WeConnect (Women & Femme-identifying folks)


Church Group specials & Sponsorships

Is your church interested in providing registrations to interested members? Our Church Group Specials are for you!

Small church group

This package is valued at $638, meaning you save over 14%! It includes:

  • 2 In-Person Registrations Included with Purchase

  • 1 Virtual Exhibitor Spot

Medium church group

This package is valued at $1,176, meaning you save over 15%! It includes:

  • 4 In-Person Registrations Included with Purchase

  • 1 Virtual Exhibitor Spot

Large church group

This package is valued at $1,813, meaning you save over 18%! It includes:

  • 6 In-Person Registrations Included with Purchase

  • 1 In-Person Exhibitor Spot

Presenting Church Sponsorship

This package is valued at $2,851, meaning you save over 22%! It includes:

  • 8 In-Person Registrations Included with Purchase

  • 1 In-Person Exhibitor Spot

  • Inclusion in “Our Sponsors” pre-General Session slideshow


Would you like to add things onto an already existing package, or only interested in a select item? Browse our a la carte options below!

Half-Page Ad in Conference Booklet

The size for the half page ad in the Conference booklet is 2.75” tall by 4.25” wide.

Sponsorship Logo in Banner on Conference Platform

Your logo will be placed on the banner that includes Conference Sponsors.

Logo on Conference Homepage

Your logo will be displayed on the homepage of the Conference Website (qcfconf.org). Logo will be placed on the website as soon as you send us your logo.

Inclusion in “Our Sponsors” Slide During
Pre-General Session Slideshow

Your logo will be displayed in person and virtually before and after every general session and select breakout sessions.

“Our Sponsors” Social Media Post on Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter During the Conference Weekend

You will get one social media post (video or graphic) on each of our three main social media channels during the Conference weekend.

Make an offer

Do you want to make an alternate offer than what appears above? Are you looking to make a trade deal for one of these packages? Do you have a creative way you would like to sponsor our organization or Conference? We would love to hear it!

Fill out the form below on what your idea is and someone from our team will get back to you as soon as possible!