JANUARY 22 - 25, 2026 | PORTLAND, OR


For LGBTQ+ Christians & Allies


The Q Christian Fellowship Conference is an annual hybrid gathering where LGBTQ+ Christians, parents, and allies: gather for worship, fellowship, workshops, and keynote speakers; make lifelong friendships or reunite with those friends; experience healing, transformation, and hope; witness the fullness of God's love and affirmation through each other.

Conference Scripture

Hebrews 6:19 - 20A

We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain, where our forerunner, Jesus, has entered on our behalf.


Registration is available in 2 options: in-person and virtual. In-person registrants will have access to all in-person and virtual programming. Virtual registration will include access to all virtual Conference programming. Keep reading for pricing details!


Hilton Portland Downtown

921 SW 6th Ave Portland, OR 97204

Hotel booking link, and Conference hotel packages coming soon!

$134/Night + Free Breakfast Buffet per room night!

  • Being in an atmosphere where I could experience life giving worship again, without fear, was so healing.

    - Robby

  • I never felt so connected in a Christian space exactly as I am.

    - Anonymous

  • A reminder that God is not done with me yet.

    - Anonymous